1 101 X The theatre is a 4th century BC addition to the sanctuary and is one of the best preserved theatres in Greece. Above the 'orchestra' (dancing floor) were 35 tiers which could accommodate around 5,000 people.
# Theatre
5 102 A The lady pillar supporting the porch of the treasure-house of the Siphnians was ambitiously but beautifully designed. It was meant to impress and amaze all who passed by it.
# Siphian Treasury Porch Image, The lady pillar of the Siphian treasury.
6 103 E The treasury of the Siphnians reflected the island's short-lived wealth. The building was covered with marble decorations which were carved around 530 BC. They are masterpieces of art from the Archaic age. The wealth of the Siphnians vanished when the sea overwhelmed their gold-mines.
# Siphian Treasury, Marble relief picture from the Siphian treasury.
3 102 D On top of the column of the Naxians sat a beautifully crafted sphinx. It was made around 570 BC at Naxos.
# Column of the Naxian, Sphinx on the Naxian column.
2 101 X This was the main shrine of Apollo in Greece which housed the famous Oracle. Apollo prophesied through the Pythia, his priestess, to all who sought him. The Oracle was famous for its obscure pronouncements which could be interpreted in different ways.
# Temple of Apollo, Decorated bowl showing the Pythia and a seeker.
4 102 C After their victory over the Persians at Marathon in 490 BC, the Athenians built a fine marble treasury at Delphi. Many city-states had such treasuries at Delphi: these held the city's offerings to Apollo.